* New! Latest stable version of OK wallet v7-SpaceMonkey *


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Topics - billy

Hello World

here is the Fiat Killer game, OK Cash Edition, is just a very simple but addictive shooter game, where you mine OK coins with your RPi3 to kill the flying USD things. How far can you bring the OK Cash price?? just have a try.

It works on Linux, Mac and Win. You need to have installed Python 2 and pygame module. Go to the unzipped folder you create and execute the fiatkillerok.py file and play against the "illuminati elite".

Open from CLi with 'python fiatkillerok.py' command or click on the icon.





This software code is absolute Open Source and free to use, modify or whatever you want. This product has no warranty at all.

Hello (OKCash) World

I have been since may 2017 in the ok cash world, and I wanted to writte some lines to let everybody know how was the experience. I knew Rokos6Flavours some time ago, and I made it run on a Raspberry Pi 3, just wonderful and a great idea but I didn't know the posibilities of OK in PoS mining. So, this year, ROKOSV8Core was launched and I tried it as soon as I could, was the moment to buy some OKs in Bittrex at less than 1000 sats and put them to work on the RPi. Very fast transfer, mature in few hours, and in a few days first coin mined (at that moment only trying with 500 coins). Was the time to put more coins in the "oven", with only 9000 OKs I had mined coins everyday. Now you can imagine what was next, yes, more coins. But, not only I have been mining with a very low power comsumption (0.7 watts per RPi), a few weeks ago we had a very strong pump, so my coins multiplied x20. All of us know that now we have a price around 3000 sat, but in the long term, we had new minimums over the may 2017 price. Now I have install 6 RPi more with ROKOS8, 6 full nodes runing and mining and have many people waiting to install more, yes, "normal" people having a small device with no idea about crypto and linux but they know his money now is safe and making more money. Yes, the OK Cash full node is very safe, of course if you set a password and make a backup, and of course change the RPi password ASAP. My idea was to monetize some APis runing with python and a Telegram bot that I had running 24/7 in the RPi, but after the second full node installed I realize that RPi+ROKOS+OK Full node is one of the best way to be "your own bank" and have your money safe for everybody, I mean every kind of people. So I love this coin and of course the team and the community  :-*, thank you so much for the help.

Long life to  OK Cash :P

PS: Soon we will have the new keychain logo ready for 3D print, till that you can 3D print the old one http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2311736 ....and a funny, stupid and addictive python game is coming soon, hope to show you this before Xmas
Hi there

I have installed 3 OKcash full nodes with rokos 8 core and raspberry pi 3 without any problem, but trying to install the forth is almost imposible, when I execute sudo ./ok-sync-arm64.sh it dowload the zip file, unzip it but when finish "inflating" always says:

touch: cannot touch /home/root/.okcash/okcash.conf: no such file or directory
./ok-sync-arm64.sh line 38 /home/root/.okcash/okcash.conf: no such file or directory

and when I open the wallet starts to sync the whole blockchain, I have tried this lots of times, even with a new sd card and other rpi3 device but happens the same. I can't understand what happens cause as I told before I have configure/install 3 devices without any problem. can anybody help me?

Thanks you so much

Now you can print the OKCash logo keyring/keychain, just follow the link and download the .stl document



Hello world ;)

proudly staking with rspi 3 & rokos v8 I have a (stupid) question, It is compatible encript the wallet while staking?, and what happens if I need to transfer coins while staking? I know I can make a coin reserve but what happens if I don't do that?

thanks and have a nice weekend