* New! Latest stable version of OK wallet v7-SpaceMonkey *


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Topics - OKupdates


Interview with OKtoshi
Lead Dev for Okcash and Bitcoin Fullnode OS ROKOS

Oktoshi Interview Link

OK Projects / Okcash Reviews over revex.co
November 28, 2016, 01:29:42 PM
New Okcash Reviews over Revex.co


OK Projects / Happy Birthday Okcash (2nd)
November 24, 2016, 12:59:41 PM

Okcash 2nd Birthday

You are the magic behind #Okcash! Happy 2nd Birthday !
Total Thanks for your joy and support in this first 2 years!

OK Projects / Okcash Flyer #1
November 21, 2016, 04:31:54 PM

Okcash Flyer #1

New OK social flyers by rnz

OK Projects / Design Upgrade for okcashtalk.org
November 21, 2016, 03:35:05 PM
Okcash Forums Design upgraded


New Mirror website backup for Okcash.co

Helps on protection vs censorship/ddos/domains expirations
99.9% uptime, github hosted, opensource.



Okcashblockhalf.com - OK Block Halving Rewards countdown and info

New OK site with info about the OK Blockchain, Block Rewards, different currencies value and more

ROKOS v7 "Core" for Raspberry Pi 2, 3 IoT Devices Released.

OS with integrated Bitcoin OK Clients, nodes and much more. Faster, Easier, Stronger.


Just Download and Burn to Start your own OK and/or Bitcoin Full nodes and/or open your OpenBazaar store

Cryptocurrency and the Internet of Things
Core: Debian/Xubuntu based OS with integrated Bitcoin OK Clients, Nodes and Open Bazaar server ready for use.

We've seen new services selling "stake miners" or pi "fullnodes" for different amounts of bitcoin ranging from 200 USD to 982 USD, we support the new technology and uses for cryptocurrencies in the Raspberry Pi , Bananapi, Pine64+ and IoT environments, hence we came up with a Free solution for every IoT enthusiast, developer, user, service that want to use their IoT devices with Bitcoin and OK, or that would like to turn their Pi into a Staking device, It already integrates a fully functional Bitcoin Client and full node as well to provide the users with the best and easier Out of the Box experience, and to be the perfect toolbox for developers.

v7 "Core" Released

ROKOS is the First OS release that merges the full power of Raspberry Pi zero, 2, 3, Banana Pi PRO, Pine64+ & IoT Devices with Bitcoin OK and Cryptocurrencies:
- ROKOS v7 "core" comes with integrated OK and Bitcoin Client / node and OpenBazaar server.

Distribution aimed for everyone, from new IoT users to IoT Developers, Ease of use Out of the Box.
Download & Burn, Ready for use.

Some of the ROKOS core features are:
v7 "core" Release (Pine64+, Raspberry Pi 2, 3)

- Full burnable OS Compatible with the Raspberry Pi, Pine64+, BananaPi and IoT devices.
- Full System / Programs Upgrade.
- Full Design Upgrade.
- Chrome/Firefox browser added. (depends on version)
- Autolog.
- Debian/Xubuntu/Linux based.
- Java Dev Tools.
- Easier to Use mod Update.
- Security and Optimization Update.
- Includes Qt and complete set of Dev tools (For developers)
- Works with other cryptocurrencies.
- 1024 mb swap mod.
- Updated Bitcoin client / node v0.13.1 with full functionality.
- Updated OKCash client / node v4.0.0.3 with full Stake functionality, private messages.
- Updated OpenBazaar server.
- Custom Login and Wallpapers.
- BTC and OK nodes at /usr/local/bin/
- Easy Clients / Nodes Upgrades.
- Custom OK-Scripts to ease the user experience.
- Direct access to the Clients Via: Task bar and Menu > Blockchain.

ROKOS v7 "core" :
- Pine64+ - ready for download
- Raspberry Pi 2, 3. - ready for download
- Banana Pi PRO - coming update

- Min 16gb SD card and an External device (usb / hdd / ssd). To sync the BTC chain on the external device instead of the SD card, BTC chain alone is around 60gb.

ROKOS constantly evolves and releases new Versions based on:
- Security, Chain, Technology and Design updates.
- Ease of access and use for the final users.
- More Cryptocurrencies are integrated for an Out of the Box experience in a different version called ROKOS FLAVORS.
- More wallets, programs or features, based on users/communities/developers feedback, support and/or cross collaborations.

Download at: http://rokos.space/downloads.html
SilverMafia Game

Play the New Mafia Game, win inGame currency that you can convert into OKCash!

by @nameless

Hello everyone, i'd like to announce a faucet with a twist i've been working on :)


An old school text bases mafia game.
Make friends, join together as a family and fight each other. Hire some fancy ladies to make money for you, do some crimes, etc. All this you can do in the game.

However, the game currency can be exchanged for OKCash, HZ and BURST :)
So as i said...faucet with a twist...

You can invite your friends, brother/sister, grandma, neighbor and they can have a little fun and play a game and earn some free coins while doing do.
I'm working on a variety of tutorials so that people unfamiliar to crypto can learn about it straight from the game.
Work in progress, but should be done in a few days.
That's it folks!

Join us on the fun at http://www.silvermafia.net/
Join http://discord.me/cryptocurrency to show off your stats over the #gaming room !
Use directly in graphic console,

or for command line Use:

okcashd COMMAND


okcashd getinfo

OK RPC Calls

addmultisigaddress <nrequired> <'["key","key"]'> [account]
addnode <node> <add|remove|onetry>
addredeemscript <redeemScript> [account]
backupwallet <destination>
createrawtransaction [{"txid":txid,"vout":n},...] {address:amount,...}
decoderawtransaction <hex string>
decodescript <hex string>
dumpprivkey <okcashaddress>
dumpwallet <filename>
encryptwallet <passphrase>
getaccount <okcashaddress>
getaccountaddress <account>
getaddednodeinfo <dns> [node]
getaddressesbyaccount <account>
getbalance [account] [minconf=1]
getblock <hash> [txinfo]
getblockbynumber <number> [txinfo]
getblockhash <index>
getblocktemplate [params]
getnewaddress [account]
getnewpubkey [account]
getnewstealthaddress [label]
getrawtransaction <txid> [verbose=0]
getreceivedbyaccount <account> [minconf=1]
getreceivedbyaddress <okcashaddress> [minconf=1]
getsubsidy [nTarget]
gettransaction <txid>
getwork [data]
getworkex [data, coinbase]
help [command]
importprivkey <okcashprivkey> [label]
importstealthaddress <scan_secret> <spend_secret> [label]
importwallet <filename>
keypoolrefill [new-size]
listaccounts [minconf=1]
listreceivedbyaccount [minconf=1] [includeempty=false]
listreceivedbyaddress [minconf=1] [includeempty=false]
listsinceblock [blockhash] [target-confirmations]
liststealthaddresses [show_secrets=0]
listtransactions [account] [count=10] [from=0] [show_coinstake=1]
listunspent [minconf=1] [maxconf=9999999] ["address",...]
makekeypair [prefix]
move <fromaccount> <toaccount> <amount> [minconf=1] [comment]
nextorphan [connecthash]
reservebalance [<reserve> [amount]]
rewindchain <number>
scanforalltxns [fromHeight]
scanforstealthtxns [fromHeight]
sendalert <message> <privatekey> <minver> <maxver> <priority> <id> [cancelupto]
sendfrom <fromaccount> <tookcashaddress> <amount> [minconf=1] [comment] [comment-to] [narration]
sendmany <fromaccount> {address:amount,...} [minconf=1] [comment]
sendrawtransaction <hex string>
sendtoaddress <okcashaddress> <amount> [comment] [comment-to] [narration]
sendtostealthaddress <stealth_address> <amount> [comment] [comment-to] [narration]
setaccount <okcashaddress> <account>
setbestblockbyheight <height>
settxfee <amount>
signmessage <okcashaddress> <message>
signrawtransaction <hex string> [{"txid":txid,"vout":n,"scriptPubKey":hex},...] [<privatekey1>,...] [sighashtype="ALL"]
smsgaddkey <address> <pubkey>
smsgbuckets [stats|dump]
smsggetpubkey <address>
smsginbox [all|unread|clear]
smsglocalkeys [whitelist|all|wallet|recv <+/-> <address>|anon <+/-> <address>]
smsgoptions [list|set <optname> <value>]
smsgoutbox [all|clear]
smsgsend <addrFrom> <addrTo> <message>
smsgsendanon <addrTo> <message>
submitblock <hex data> [optional-params-obj]
thinforcestate <state>
thinscanmerkleblocks <height>
txnreport [collate_amounts] [show_key_images]
validateaddress <okcashaddress>
validatepubkey <okcashpubkey>
verifymessage <okcashaddress> <signature> <message>
OK Rain + wallet vote + community meeting

BIG OKCASH RAIN TOMORROW! UP To 5000 OK Rain in the OKCash Community Meeting!

That's how it works:

1. Vote here for the OKCash Wallet (No Registration needed): https://feedback.userreport.com/636366d1-f461-497d-9d03-0e7444115831/#idea/133464
2. Share it to people you know, friends, family, so they can vote too from their PCs
3. The amount to be rained:

30 Votes = 300 OK Rain
40 Votes = 400 OK Rain
50 Votes = 500 OK Rain
60 Votes = 750 OK Rain
70 Votes = 1000 OK Rain
80 Votes = 1200 OK Rain
90 Votes = 1400 OK Rain
100 Votes = 1800 OK Rain
125 Votes = 2200 OK Rain
150 Votes =  2500 OK Rain
200 Votes = 5000 OK Rain!!!

So it's at us guys to work together and spread the word to get a rainy day tomorrow!!

Thursday 1:00PM central time:  http://discord.me/cryptocurrency over the #community-voice-chat room.
OK Projects / Forum Redesign Done
October 04, 2016, 02:20:21 PM

Welcome to Sign up at the Redesigned OKCashTalk Forums

Discussions, Project advances and development, Giveaways, Contests and more!

Invite your friends and start ranking in your own community forums, is OK


OK Projects / Woldwide OK Airdrop event
September 26, 2016, 07:26:46 PM

Join the Wordwide OK Airdrop

Register for the "OKCash Airdrop" Event over: http://communityevents.okcash.co

Share with your friends and family!

Participants Win 50 Okcash in the Airdrop and get a chance to participate for gifts with their registration.
Be an early adopter for the new Technology of Okcash and Bitcoin and start using or creating new services with the most reliable cryptocurrencies Today.
Quote from: OKorator

Thanks to all those who could make last weeks, barely announced, and first COMMUNITY MEETING!!!!

Meetings are on Thursdays at 11am PST, 2PM EST, 6 PM GMT.

We are on the discord channel, if you haven't joined yet here's the link.


Bitcoin, Okcash and Dogecoin Tips and Rains

Bitcoin, Okcash and Dogecoin Tipbots added to the community server http://discord.me/cryptocurrency

Okcash - AUR Packages

The Arch User Repository (AUR) is a community-driven repository for Arch users.
It contains package descriptions (PKGBUILDs) that allow you to compile a package from source with makepkg and then install it via pacman.

AUR Okcash-git (Graphical wallet) - https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/okcash-git/
AUR Okcashd-git (daemon) - https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/okcashd-git/

By Maintainer Dev: greenbigfrog

AUR tutorial for new learning users

A good number of new packages that enter the official repositories start in the AUR.
In the AUR, users are able to contribute their own package builds (PKGBUILD and related files).
The AUR community has the ability to vote for or against packages in the AUR.
If a package becomes popular enough — provided it has a compatible license and good packaging technique — it may be entered into the community repository (directly accessible by pacman or abs).
OK Giveaway

Join the server and Win 100 #OKCASH in #promo-chan at https://discord.gg/u6vPgS2

10 users

Cryptocurrency & Gaming
DOGE Giveaway

$DOGE is $OK Giveaway!

Join the server and Win 100 #DOGECOIN in #promo-chan at https://discord.gg/u6vPgS2 

Cryptocurrency & Gaming

OK Giveaway

Win 1000 #Okcash Reach lvl 10 + gain Hero Rank
over $OK $BTC Cryptocurrency & Gaming Server https://discord.gg/grvpc8c

OK Marketplace / OK integrated to GenCapp
September 02, 2016, 02:58:05 PM
Okcash gets integrated into Gencapp

Gencapp / www.gencapp.com

Gencapp is the world's first localized consumer and personal tendering portal designed to include the decentralized Internet of things (IoT). With free and paid plans for both users and service providers, finding the right person or contractor has never been easier. In retrospect, getting exposure and finding work has never been easier.

Feel comfortable with Gencapp using our social verification service. A way that everyone can quickly assess a contractor or individual's social media accounts and determine how reputable they are. Think of this as a self completed background check (your very own background check tool). By linking your account to several of your available social media accounts, including but not all: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yelp, Google+,Github, Tumblr, & Instagram. You open the doors to a new comfort level with your clients. This eliminates fake and paid review systems that is flawed with all other sites, benefiting both the client and the contractor or person.

When you look at Gencapp, it is simple to see the menu bar on the side with classified type categories. In the middle of the page is a map, which corresponds information filtered by category and subcategory selection. Different colour pins mean different things; blue pins are businesses looking to seek clients and public exposure, green pins are projects being tendered looking for businesses and/or persons to bid the project.

At the root of Gencapp, you have free and easy to use productivity tools to help the user gain control of the 'open loops' in their lives. Gencapp allows the user to privately plan and maintain project and goal lists. From large renovation projects to small Saturday afternoon jobs, Gencapp will help you get more done in less time. Enhanced with a real time connection to local businesses and services. This allows us to offer a wide range of drop-in features and applications that are tailored to help the self employed and entrepreneurs thrive in the local services marketplace.

Internet Contractors Database

ICDB information coming soon...

Vision Ears Inc, Canada

Vision Ears Inc. (a Canadian Corporation) start-up Vision Ears Inc.'s main focus is the development of localized commerce tools for the medium, small and home based business.

ChainReactor www.chainreactor.com

ChainReactor is a scalable blockchain platform supporting SQL databases, used to create on-demand permissioned blockchains for a variety of uses. In the case of Gencapp, ChainReactor will allow us to scale out a fully distributed, highly secure version of Gencapp that can be used privately or publicly.

Protocol Labs

Protocol Labs develops leading edge hardware in support of ChainReactor, including node hashing hardware, and secure digital hard wallets.

Block Brain Digital

Block Brain Digital LTD, is a Canadian Corporation founded to be the liaison between Vision Ears Inc. and Protocol Labs in bringing ChainReactor to Canada. Block Brain Digital is based in Hespeler, Ontario and is used as a development and training campus for blockchain related technologies.